Monday, May 31, 2021

Original Rap Album of May 2021: If I Fail Are We Still Cool? by Patrick Paige II

Wow May was a fantastic month for Boom Bap. 

Yes we know that J. Cole's album dropped but believe it or not, as good as J. Cole's album is its not the best album of the month.

Don't get me wrong, The Off-Season is a dope album but it is the third best album on my list.

This month also the final projects of two legends that recently left us, DMX and MF Doom. Their fans will be pleased. 

Normally I would right a detailed post about the album of the month but I am going to do things different.

Because there are so many great albums I am just going to give my list of the top ten and let you feed yourself on some thorough original rap music.

Original Rap Album of May 2021 is, If I Fail Are We Still Cool? by Patrick Paige II.

I don't care what Ebro or Rosenberg said, I don't care if you never heard of this cat you better get with it now. This one is going to be on your playlist for a long time, from start to finish.

Top Ten Albums of May 2021.

  1. If I Fail Are We Still Cool? by Patrick Paige II
  2. To Kill A Sunrise by Kota the Friend and Statik Selektah
  3. The Off-Season by J. Cole
  4. La Maquina Conway by The Machine
  5. Pray for Haiti by Mach-Hommy
  6. April by Papoose
  7. Super What? by Czarface and MFDoom
  8. ROADRUNNER: New Light New Machine by Brockhampton
  9. Trust The Sopranos by Benny The Butcher
  10. Exodus by DMX