Big up to Jadakiss for dropping Top 5 Dead or Alive. Jada still got it and just the presence of this album in stores stirred much needed dialog in hip hop circles. Another album to cop.
As for the best album of the month, well, just the name of the crew, EARTHGANG was enough to put me off for the entire month but unlike most of you Kendrick Lamarr slurpers I don't just latch on to one artist and not give someone unknown a chance.
I was greatly rewarded for my ability to show grace and give some cats a chance because not only is Strays With Rabies the best album of November but right now I'd have to give it the album of the year. Yes its that fucking good.
I don't know much about these cats other than they are from Atlanta and they go by the names Doctor Dot and Johnny Venus. Now if were really as north east biased as you fools claim those names alone would have turned me completely off but what kind of name is Basquiat?!? I would have just thought he was some crazy Haitian if I didn't know the artist. You will be saying the same thing about EARTHGANG.
There it is. The Best Rap Album of November 2015 is Strays With Rabies by EARTHGANG.