Monday, March 31, 2014

The Best Rap Album of March 2014 - Glitches in the Break by Black Milk

This was the month of the Bay Area rappers apparently. Everyone from Sage the Gemini and Clyde Carson to Lil Debbie released full albums. Unfortunately none of it was to my liking but I'm sure they'll do well in their region.

Those old heads Onyx drop an album, Wakedafucup, that I was about to send to the trash bin but the second half of the album really picked up well and there are enough decent cuts on it for me to tell you to sample it on iTunes.

Then there were the albums from the major artists. Kid Cudi, Rick Ross and Black Milk.

Kid Cudi did absolutely nothing to change my opinion about his music. I guess it sucks for me to have grown up on Digable Planets, De La Soul, A Tribe Called Quest and many more that I actually know the difference between bull shit and great music when I hear it. If his schtick is up your alley then by all means enjoy.

Rick Ross, I was so very much looking forward to this album. You see I never had any problems with the crime tales and whether or not he was "keepin' it real". I listened for entertainment, his flow and tight production which since linking with Def Jam has been outstanding.

This album, Mastermind, is aiight but not really much more. There are 6 cuts I listen to and out of those five I really like but nothing great.

If you think Rick Ross is nothing but a fat fraud and people who listen to his music are nothing but suckers this album certainly won't do anything for you. True Rick Ross fans such as myself will find songs of value but this one will not be on the classic shelf.

I normally don't even review an EP but this one from Black Milk had two things going for it.

First it had more than four songs on it and second I fucks with Black Milk so I had to include this in my albums to review this month.

Glitches in the Break actually has nine songs on it including my favorite song of the year, Cold Day. You have got to hear this joint.

Never straying from his roots of soul and R&B Black Milk's own production and ridiculous flow easily made this the dopest album of the month by a whole lot.

Cats need to stop trying to compete with Black Milk and just hire him to produce your albums because if he drops one the same month you really don't have much of a chance. This right here is real hip hop.

The best rap album of March 2014 is Glitches in the Break by Black Milk.

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